introduction to indexes
- An Overview of the SAS System
- Introduction to SAS Programs
- Running SAS Programs
- Mastering Fundamental Concepts
- Diagnosing and Correcting Syntax Errors
- Exploring Your SAS Environment
- SAS Data Libraries
- Column input mode
- List input mode
- Formatted input mode
- Pointer controls
- INPUT function
- Statements: FILE, PUT
- Using DATA _NULL_
- PUT function
- Creating customized reports using DATA steps
- Reading non-ASCII files, such as Excel, SPSS, or DBMS files
- Examining Data Errors
- Assigning Variable Attributes
- Changing Variable Attributes
- Reading Excel Spreadsheets
- Reading SAS Data Sets and Creating Variables
- Conditional Processing
- Dropping and Keeping Variables
- Reading Excel Spreadsheets Containing Date Fields
- Outputting Multiple Observations
- Writing to Multiple SAS Data Sets
- Selecting Variables and Observations
- Writing to an External File
- Creating an Accumulating Total Variable
- Accumulating Totals for a Group of Data
- Reading Delimited Raw Data Files
- Controlling When a Record Loads
- Reading Hierarchical Raw Data Files
- Declarative vs. executable statements
- Statements: RETAIN, RENAME, LABEL, FORMAT, sum
- SAS-supplied formats and PROC FORMAT for user-defined formats
- Using formats in DATA steps
- PUT function
- Creating SAS data sets with DATA steps: flow of execution, including program data vector
- Creating variables in DATA steps with assignment statements
- Subsetting observations and variables
- Manipulating Character Values
- Manipulating Numeric Values
- Manipulating Numeric Values Based on Dates
- Converting Variable Type
- Using SAS functions and operators
- Working with SAS date values (also time and date-time)
- Introduction to missing values
- Getting Started with the PRINT Procedure
- Sequencing and Grouping Observations
- Identifying Observations
- Special WHERE Statement Operators
- Customizing Report Appearance
- Delivering the output to the third party
- Trace on/Trace Off
- ODS Document
- Proc Document
- Using the PUT Statement
- Using the DEBUG Option
- DO Loop Processing
- SAS Array Processing
- Using SAS Arrays
- SET statement for concatenation and interleaving
- MERGE statement for joining observations
- UPDATE statement for updating a master file (maybe)
- Special variables: IN, END, FIRST. and LAST.
- Creating multiple data sets in one DATA step
- Reshaping data sets
- Managing data sets using PROC COPY and PROC DATASETS
- Transporting data sets between hosts
- Concatenating SAS Data Sets
- Combining SAS Data Sets: Additional Features
- Match-Merging Two or More SAS Data Sets
- Simple Joins Using the SQL Procedure
- Introduce the idea of SAS system options
- Briefly review statements that can be used with most procedures (BY, WHERE, TITLE, FOOTNOTE, LABEL, FORMAT)
- PROC SORT for sorting a data set
- PROC CONTENTS for describing a data set
- PROC PRINT for listing the observations in a data set
- PROC CHART and PROC PLOT for producing low-resolution graphs
- PROC FREQ for one-way frequency tables and n-way cross-tabulations
- PROC UNIVARIATE for descriptive statistics and distributional information
- PROC MEANS for descriptive statistics
- SAS documentation and the online help system
- Introduce the Output Delivery System (ODS) for customizing procedure output
- Introduction to Summary Reports
- Basic Summary Reports
- The REPORT Procedure
- The TABULATE Procedure
- Producing Bar and Pie Charts
- Introduce concepts related to high-resolution graphs
- PROC GCHART and PROC GPLOT for producing high-resolution graphs
- Introduction to statistical graphics procedures GOPTIONS, GDEVICE, GSCATTER, and GPANEL
- Enhancing Output
- Producing Plots
- examining data distributions
- obtaining and interpreting sample statistics using the UNIVARIATE and MEANS procedures
- examining data distributions graphically in the UNIVARIATE and SGPLOT procedures
- constructing confidence intervals
- performing simple tests of hypothesis
- performing tests of differences between two group means using PROC TTEST
- performing one-way ANOVA with the GLM procedure
- performing post-hoc multiple comparisons tests in PROC GLM
- performing two-way ANOVA with and without interactions
- producing correlations with the CORR procedure
- fitting a simple linear regression model with the REG procedure
- understanding the concepts of multiple regression
- using automated model selection techniques in PROC REG to choose from among several candidate models
- interpreting models
- examining residuals
- investigating influential observations
- assessing co linearity
- producing frequency tables with the FREQ procedure
- examining tests for general and linear association using the FREQ procedure
- understanding exact tests
- understanding the concepts of logistic regression
- fitting univariate and multivariate logistic regression models using the e LOGISTIC procedure
- Why use macros?
- Macro variables – system-defined and user-defined
- Macros
- Macro parameters
- Macro functions
- Conditional execution and DO loops
- Understanding of the client / server environment in Microsoft Windows
- Understanding of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and SAS support of a DDE link
- Understanding of Open Database Connectivity
- Understanding of the use of SAS as both an ODBC client and an ODBC server
- overview of the SQL procedure
- specifying columns
- specifying rows
- presenting data
- summarizing data
- no correlated sub queries and correlated sub queries
- SQL Joins
- introduction to SQL joins
- complex SQL joins
- introduction to set operators
- the EXCEPT operator
- the INTERSECT operator
- the UNION operator
- the OUTER UNION operator
- creating views with the SQL procedure
- creating tables with the SQL procedure
- integrity constraints
- Additional SQL Procedure Features
- setting SQL procedure options
- dictionary tables and views
- interfacing PROC SQL with the macro language
- program testing and performance
introduction to indexes
- creating indexes
- maintaining tables
- LIBNAME access to DBMS data
- executing DBMS-specific SQL using the SQL Pass-Through Facility
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